Lifting the Chanukah Lights

The Infinite Mystery lights my candle, the Source of All causes darkness to shine.
(Psalm 18:29)

Dear Friends,
In the turmoil and confusion of our times, let’s remember the Chanukah miracle.
The Temple lay in ruins.
Destruction was everywhere.
All seemed lost.
And amid the rubble, a tiny drop of oil was found.
Perhaps the miracle of the story was not that this tiny drop of oil lasted for 8 days.
Perhaps the miracle was: That amid ruin and devastation, our ancestors placed the tiny drop of oil in the menorah and lit the lamp. In the midst of desecration and loss, not knowing if their actions would make any difference, they choose to lift up the light.
This Chanukah let’s align ourselves with this ko’ach and tikvah, this strength and deep motivation to act.
In the face of all that is, let us continue to lift up the light and act for justice and healing, for peace and for love.
Let us remember that we can’t see the transformation that will unfold from the ways we live our lives. And let us also remember that small acts can bring about great and transformative healing.

Chanukah samayach,
With love,
Rabbi Yael

This Week's Audio Teachings

We sit together in the Chanukah Light. Listen to the recording of today's Meditation Sit with Rabbi Yael Levy on Soundcloud or on the A Way In website. Listen to the recording of this week's Torah Study on the A Way In website or on Soundcloud.

Chanukah Resources

Go to our Chanukah page to find intentions for candle lighting for each night of Chanukah and teachings and meditations to sit with during the Chanukah days.

Chanukah Candle Lighting Together via Zoom Join together to light candles tonight for the fifth night of Chanukah. Rabbi Yael will offer a short teaching amid shared songs and reflection.

Fifth night of Chanukah: Thursday, Dec. 2 at 6PM Eastern, 3PM Pacific

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 9721 6054
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Chanukah Gifts Give a friend or family member Rabbi Yael’s book, Directing the Heart: Weekly Mindfulness Teachings and Practices from the Torah and Rabbi Yael will write a personal note to all who receive the book as a gift. Send your name and the name and address of the recipient of the gift to and R. Yael will send a Chanukah card with a photo and psalm verse to your friends and family. Go to more info and links to purchase.

Weekly FocusAway In