This Place this Moment
Leaving a difficult situation,
Jacob set out on a journey.
He came to a place that called to him
And putting a stone under his head,
He laid himself upon the earth
And entered into dreamtime.
A ladder appeared
With messengers climbing between earth and sky.
The Infinite Presence stood right by Jacob’s side.
Break through,
The Mystery said,
Break through old forms,
Old patterns.
Break through how you learned to see.
Break through the confines of rational thought.
Dare to dream.
Be courageous with imagination.
This is the gateway.
This is the path.
And I will be with you all along the way.
Jacob trembled awake:
The Infinite Presence, is right here in this place, in the moment, and I, I did not know.
We often get in our own way.
Long-standing habits
And the desire for certainty
Limit our vision.
Fears bind us.
Doubts assails us.
And what we thought would,
Or should be,
Obscures the path.
Enter a new realm, the Infinite calls.
Go beyond what is known,
Go beyond what is logical,
Be with uncertainty.
This is the gateway.
When nothing is known,
Anything is possible.
How awesome is this place.
Love and Blessings to all.
Rabbi Yael