Lifted by Possibility

Dear Friends,

In the turmoil of our times, let’s remember the Chanukah miracle.

The Temple lay in ruins.

Destruction was everywhere.

All seemed lost.

And amid the rubble, a tiny drop of oil was found.

Perhaps the miracle of the story was not that this tiny drop of oil lasted for 8 days.

Perhaps the miracle was that amid ruin and devastation, our ancestors placed the tiny drop of oil in the menorah and lit the lamp.  In the midst of desecration and loss, not knowing if their actions would make any difference, they chose possibility, they chose to lift up the light.

Let’s align ourselves with this ko’ach and tikvah, this strength and deep motivation to act, even as we do not know what our actions will bring.

In the face of all that is, let us continue to lift up the light and act for justice and healing, for peace and for love.

Let us remember that our actions have value and impact way beyond what we can see. And seemingly small acts can bring about great and transformative healing.

Chanukah samayach,

And to all our friends celebrating the Christmas and Kwanzaa season much love and blessing to you.

Rabbi Yael

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