For Healing and Love

As we begin 2023
The book of Beresheet comes to a close.

Jacob has died and the brothers are frightened that Joseph
Will now take his revenge.
They turn to him pleading.

With tears in his eyes, Joseph says to his brothers,
Do not be afraid.
Do not be afraid, I am not all-powerful.
Do not be afraid, our actions often generate results
That are different from what we intended.
Life unfolds in mystery.
And the Infinite Presence is always with us.
Joseph spoke these words with kindness, right to their hearts. (Genesis 50:19-21)


The first book of the Torah ends with a choice to turn toward love and healing.
And with a bow to the Infinite Mystery that is always present.
As we come to the end of this book of creation,
Beginning another turn of the year,
Let us remember that we are here together,
Beautiful and tender beings,
Doing our best to weave lives of goodness and blessing.
And let us ask for help from those with whom we share this journey:

         Ancient ones and all of you yet to be born,

         Trees, earth, waters and sky,

         Creatures of land and seas and the heavens above,

         Please share your wisdom with us.

         Help us see the delicate harmony,

         The intricate weaving,

         The infinite interconnection of all life.

         Help bow into the mystery

         And rise together for healing and love.

This Week's Audio Teachings

Torah Study
Listen to the recording from this week's Torah Study on the A Way In website or on Soundcloud.

Morning Meditation Sit
This week as we come to the end of the book of Beresheet, we open our awareness to our interconnection with all life and ask for guidance. Listen to the recording from today's Morning Meditation Sit on the A Way In website or on Soundcloud.

Weekly FocusAway In