Yesod: At the foundation, we grieve together

Dear Friends,

I am finding it impossible to fathom the deep wounds and horrific pain that give rise to such rampant violence. And my prayers join with yours and with so many of us who are grieving the violent destruction of life in Uvalde, Texas, in Buffalo, NY, in Ukraine, and in the cities and communities throughout the world.

Please, Source of All
Guide and hold us.
Help heal the human heart
From the fractures and pain
That cause us to hurt and destroy.
Heal us from the deep injuries and dread
That erupt into the shredding of lives.

Return us to you
Help us heal.

Be with the families, the friends
In the shock of grief,
In the searing pain.
Hold them in your Infinite embrace.

And please,
Help open our hearts,
So we can enact reasonable laws,
Reasonable legislation,
That will help protect our children
Will help protect our neighbors
As we find our way to being creatures
Who care for each other
With love.

 --Rabbi Yael Levy

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