As You Enter

In this week’s Torah portion, Ki Tavo,

The Mystery calls:

As you enter the new land,

As you enter the New Year,

Bring what you have harvested,

Bring who you have become through the interplay of time, circumstance and choice.

Enter and take your place in the mysterious unfolding of creation.

The world needs you.

Out of fear, or habit

The soul hesitates.

It hides.

It cries:

There is too much uncertainty.

There is too much pain.

I don’t want to show myself.

I don’t want to go.

I will wait, the Mystery responds.

I will wait for you to awaken,

I will wait for you to remember,

            That you are part of this magnificent and baffling creation

And you are here

To open your heart

And shine.


Rabbi Yael

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