As We Go Out

As the moon grows full and our Elul journey continues

The Torah calls,

         As you go out

Notice your human tendency to do battle,

To engage in conflict,

To disparage,

To blame.


Notice that humans cause great pain to each other

And great harm to the world

As we struggle to grow and be.


As we go out and prepare for the New Year,

We are called to ask:

         What hurts have I caused?

         What pain has resulted from my words,

                  my actions, my silences?

         With whom do I need to make amends?

         Where can I seek repair?


We ask these questions with kindness, with compassion,

With the understanding that human beings are complex creatures

And we get distracted, confused and lost.


The Elul light shines with strength.

And the Mystery calls with steadfast love.


May we seek repair in ways that are true for us

And may our mending

Bring healing to each other and the world.



Rabbi Yael

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