On the Other Side of the Mountain

Dear Friends,

For forty-nine days we counted the Omer. On the fiftieth day we came to the mountain to make an offering of our presence and receive Torah that is ours to give.

And now what?

I often feel a bit lost after the Omer, missing the strong container of the Omer practices. In these times, like in so many others, I turn to Psalms for guidance, to help me focus my attention and navigate my days.

Here is my rendition/translation of Psalm 50. May it help guide us from the fiftieth day into this wilderness that awaits.


A psalm of Gathering,

The Mystery speaks

And calls the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting.

I am revealed in beauty, the One calls.

I am revealed

In consuming fire,

In turbulence,

I enter this world and will not be silent.

I call from the heavens for justice for all my peoples.


Gather, all who are devoted to love.

All who are steadfast and true.

Gather in the name of your covenant with the Unfolding of All Life.

Gather with the willingness to make sacrifices for the sake of all life.


Listen, the Mystery calls,

I am speaking.

And I am your witness,

The Infinite Life Force, the interconnection of all.


I ask for your offerings, for your sacrifices, daily.

Listen for what I ask of you.

Do not bring me your bulls, your goats.

For every animal of the forest, every animal of the mountain is already mine.

I know every bird of the mountain. I know every creature of the forest, every sheep in the field.

I fill the world. Creation flows through me. Do not offer what is already mine.


This is what I ask of you:

Make offerings of gratitude.

Be true to your word.

Ask for help.

Through this you will honor me.

Through this you will find your way


Wickedness will rise.

Theft, slander, deceit will call you to follow,

To betray each other,

To abandon the covenant with all life.


Understand this, all you who have forgotten the Mystery,

Who turn away from the Infinite interconnection of all,

Deceit and treachery will tear you asunder,

You will have no rescue.


Honor the Infinite Unfolding of All Life.

Make offerings of presence

Make offerings of gratitude.

Place yourself on this path

And you will see the way into the healing expanse.


On this other side of the mountain let’s care well for ourselves and each other. Let’s reach out and ask for help and offer help. May generosity and kindness guide our way.

With much love,


 --Rabbi Yael Levy        

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