In the Wilderness

Dear Friends,

Here we are, on the other side of Mt. Sinai, in the wilderness and expanse of summer. As I have shared over the years, coming out of the Omer is often a challenging transition for me. Now that the Omer is over, I wonder,

            What should I focus my attention on?

            What can strengthen and inform my daily practice?

            What can be a source of grounding and guidance?

I am hoping to receive inspiration from the calls of the ancient psalmists and from contemporary writers who are exploring how we live with love and compassion in this challenging and divided world.

If you are looking for summer learning that might offer guidance and connection, I invite you to explore some of the classes I have taught over the past two years. These are a series of four- and six-week courses you can explore on your own, with a friend or a study group.

"Standing Into Relationship: The Amida," takes you into the mystical depths and heights of the Amida, exploring what the tradition calls “the Prayer,” the center of devotion. In this series we delve into the roots of the Amida, discovering how it guides us in stepping into alignment with ourselves and the Infinite Mystery we live within.

In "Psalms as Spiritual Practice" we explore how these ancient cries of the tradition speak to the present moment, offering guidance and support.

In "What Does God Have To Do With It" we delve into ancient, contemporary and mystical ideas and experiences of God, listening with care and opening to discover what calls to us and what can help us stand strong in these times.

And, in "Peering into the Mystery," we do just that, exploring the road map the mystics provide for understanding and interacting with the Infinite Cosmic Mystery.

All the classes include video recordings (except the Amida class, which is audio only) and course materials including my translations of prayers and psalms.

Go to the A Way In Classes page to learn more and purchase access to one or several.

I hope that these offerings help fill your summer with inspiring exploration and support for your ongoing practices.

I am excited to be planning a new course for Elul 5782, “Turn and Return”, which will guide us toward the New Year with intention and care. In this series of classes we will explore the calls of Elul, the spiritual practice of Teshuvah (return), and the ways in which Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur direct our hearts and souls.

This 4-week class begins on Wednesday Sept 7 and will continue on each Wednesday in September 14, 21 and 27 at 7PM Eastern and 4PM Pacific.

Please save the dates. More information to follow.

Sending love and blessings to all as we make our way through the wilderness.

As always, so grateful we are journeying together.


 --Rabbi Yael Levy        

Weekly FocusAway In