Gifts of Gevurah

During the 2nd week of the Omer, Gevurah (Judgment, Strength, Discernment) bestows gifts of resolve and discipline.
Gevurah urges us to consider the power of restraint and to wonder about limits we can engage with that will calm our minds and nourish our souls.
Gevurah cautions us to not be swift to judgment—even as we feel “right.”
It asks that we find strength in humility, even as we stand strong for what we believe.

This week on Gevurah Shabbat we might consider what limits we can set that will help us pause, rest and receive the gifts of Shabbat. Perhaps we will turn off our phones and restrain from the impulse to check email. Maybe we will decide not to engage in commerce or deal with money. Maybe it will be a day not to “work on” anything or figure anything out.
Gevurah teaches that by saying “no” with intention and discernment we can reach a “yes” that is vast and holy. The limits we place on our activities on Shabbat can be a tool to expand our awareness and experiences. May it be for blessing and with joy.

Shabbat Shalom to all.
Rabbi Yael

This Week's Audio Teachings

As we sit together on the 12th day of the Omer, hod sh’b gevurah, presence within strength, we open to receive the blessings and teachings of this day. May understanding and awareness be gentle and kind.

Listen to the recording of today's Meditation Sit with Rabbi Yael Levy on Soundcloud or on the A Way In website.

Weekly FocusAway In