Gifts of Tiferet

A Psalm for Tiferet,
            To encourage the heart, to risk vulnerability,
            Seek truth,
            And shine with courage and compassion
            For the sake of each other and all the world.
Infinite Presence, who sojourns in your tent, who dwells with you?
One who walks with integrity,
            Who does what is good
                        And speaks the truth from their heart. (15:1-2)
I place the Infinite before me always, (16:8)                                                                    
Through right action, I will awaken to the Divine Presence in all. (17:15)                                                            
The compassion of the Infinite is my strength, (18:2)                                                        
Let the words of my mouth 
And the meditations of my heart  
Be aligned with the highest will and deepest truths, (19:15)
For we will rise and stand strong again and again. (20:9)
May we trust in the flow of the Mystery
And may Divine, Infinite love hold us steady. (21:8)

Shabbat Shalom to all.
Rabbi Yael

This Week's Audio Teachings
There are no live Meditation Sits this week or next. Listen to recordings from our archive, Tiferet 5781

Listen to the recording of this week's Torah Study with Kohenet Shoshana Bricklin on Soundcloud or on the A Way In website.

Weekly FocusAway In