Who Knows?
Who knows?
Perhaps it is for this very moment that you are here. (Esther 4:14)
These are the words Mordechai used to encourage Esther to approach the King and risk her life to save the Jewish people.
Who knows what will happen?
Who knows what will be?
The Purim story is insistent:
Do not let uncertainty keep you from acting.
Do not let uncertainty cause you to hide or turn away.
Let the not knowing encourage engagement and exploration,
Let the not knowing call forth audacity and strength.
We do not know where our actions will lead.
We do not know the number of our days.
What we do know, is that our world is crying and in need of us all.
In honor of Purim,
May we reach toward each other with kindness.
May we care for each other with generosity and respect.
May we engage, act, risk and love.
Who knows? Perhaps it is for this very moment we are here.
Purim Samayach—Love to All
Rabbi Yael Levy
Blessings for Spring Equinox
As the earth turns us toward spring,
Let us notice the tiny green shoots,
The purple crocuses,
And the yellow buttercups pushing through the hard ground.
Let us be encouraged by their strength and feel blessed by their beauty.
Let us believe in possibilities we have not yet seen.
This Week's Audio Teachings
We sit together in Purim’s mighty spirit of transformation and possibility. Listen to the recording of today's Meditation Sit with Rabbi Yael Levy on Soundcloud or on the A Way In website. There is no recording available from this week's Torah Study, we apologize for the inconvenience.