A Prayer for Tisha b'Av

On Tisha b’Av, the ninth of the month of Av, Jews mark the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem in 586 B.C.E. and 70 C.E. It is a day of mourning that is traditionally observed with a full fast and the chanting the Book of Lamentations. When Tisha b’av falls on Shabbat, as it does this year, some observe the fast on the 10th of Av.


A prayer for Tisha b’Av, adapted from Sim Shalom, the closing prayer in the Amida

Place upon all beings
Peace, goodness, blessing,
Life, grace, loving-kindness

Bring us to our knees in the face of suffering.
Let us know the oneness of all,
Even in the midst of devastation and pain.


Let shared sorrows,
Collective grief,
Soften our hearts for kindness and love.

Open us to the paths of life;
To generosity, kindness,
Justice, compassion,
And peace.

Let us see with an expansive perspective
The world and all that is
And help us rise again and again
Into the light of possibility.

May our broken hearts find solace,
May out souls know the strength of love
And together may we mend and weave
A world of
Harmony, compassion and peace.

Olam chesed yibaneh,

We will build this world with love. (Psalm 89:3)

Rabbi Yael

 This Week's Audio Teachings

Morning Meditation Sit
Listen to the recording of today's Meditation Sit on the A Way In website or on Soundcloud.
Torah Study
Join with Rabbi Yael and the A Way In community as we begin the book of Devarim and look toward Tisha b’Av. Listen on Soundcloud or on the A Way In website.

Weekly FocusAway In