Turn, Listen and Love

Dear Friends,


As we come through Tisha ‘b Av we begin a gentle turn toward Elul and the coming New Year.


As we do the Torah calls:




Face within face the Mystery spoke with you upon the mountain in the midst of fire. (Deut. 5:4)                                            

You heard the voice.

You experienced the Presence.

And you entered into a covenant of love.




Remember, you are here for the well being of all life.

Remember, you are here to love.


And when you forget,

Which you will,

Because humans

At times get lost.


Don’t feel ashamed,

Don’t berate yourself,

Give thanks for noticing

And return.


Return to what your soul knows absolutely:

                        We are here together with all life.

                        We are here together to love.


Shema Yisrael, Listen

            Listen, as you wrestle with all that life brings,

            The Infinite Mystery is present in all,

            The Infinite Mystery is One.


Veahafta. And Love

            Let the call of the One turn you toward love,

             To love with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength.

            To teach love, to live from love.

            To place love in your hands, before your eyes

            And upon your hearts.


            So when your hearts break open from the pain and beauty of life
            You will be able to respond with love. (Deut. 6:4-9)


Ken yihi ratzon: May it be so.


Blessings and love to all


Rabbi Yael


This Week's Audio Teachings

Morning Meditation Sit
We sit with the Torah's call to turn, listen and love. Listen to the recording of today's Meditation Sit on the A Way In website or on Soundcloud.

Torah Study

Join with Rabbi Yael and the A Way In community as we move into the book of Devarim and listen into the calls of this time. Listen on Soundcloud or on the A Way In website.

Weekly FocusAway In