And the Mystery Appeared

As we continue in Shemot, in the Book of Names,

The Mystery appears and says:


         I am the Infinite Unfolding Presence,

         The force that makes for transformation,

         The flow of change and possibility,

         Present and always becoming.


         As you join together,

         As you call out,

         I will make myself known to you by this name.


With hearts hardened by the pain, tragedies

And difficulties of life.

It can be difficult to remember,

To feel, to trust,

This Infinite presence

To know this Infinite name.


May we be patient and gentle

With our tender and hardened hearts.

They have become hardened in protection and out of care.


Noticing is helpful,

As is moving slowly

And pausing to be aware of beauty, love and kindness.


Life will continue to unfold in Mystery

The heart will soften,


And soften again.


         Reach out to each other, the Mystery calls,

         Join together,

         Share your joys and sorrows,

         Your righteousness and despair,

         And I will appear,

         And the path will open and together we will find our way.

Listen to the recordings from this week's Torah Study and from today's Morning Meditation Sit.

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