Hineini: Here I Am

As we enter 2023 we open the second book of the Torah, Shemot, which means names, and witness our mythical ancestor’s descent into slavery and their exploration about what it means to be a free people.


The journey begins with a bold act of civil disobedience by the midwives Shifra and Puah who, defying the Pharaoh’s orders, save Hebrew infants from death.

We watch as a shepherd tending his flocks in the desert notices a bush that is filled with flames. He looks long enough to see that although the bush is burning it isn’t being consumed. He makes a decision to turn from his intended path and explore this amazing sight. In his turning he hears a voice call from within the fire, “Moshe, Moshe.”  His response: “Hineni, Here I am.” 


·      The courage to defy oppressive leaders, immoral demands. 

·      The willingness to see beyond our thoughts, habits and expectations and allow amazement, awe and mystery to guide us.

·      The discernment to hear ourselves being called. 

·      The humility and strength to respond, hineni, here I am, willing and able to be of service. 


May these foundation stones of our tradition inspire our journey into 2023. 

May it be a year of mending and healing,

A year of strength and courage,

A year of devotion and love. 

Let us continue to join together and act for the well-being of each other and all life.


Listen to the recordings from this week's Torah Study and from today's Morning Meditation Sit.

-- Rabbi Yael Levy

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