A Journey of the Heart

Dear Friends,

From the expanse of Yom Kippur we land in the bounty of Sukkot and travel toward Shemini Azeret and Simchat Torah. On Simchat Torah we open the sefer Torah and read the last few verses in Devarim and the opening lines in Beresheet. The last letter of the Torah is lamed. The first letter of the Torah is beit. Putting together these letters spells lev—heart. Simchat Torah reminds us to keep returning to our hearts as we meet whatever life brings. To practice discernment and compassion as we walk on our way.

Shemini Atzeret, the eighth day of gathering, is the final day of the holiday season. On this day the Holy One says to us, “We have been through so much together. Stay with me one more day.  No need to rush back into the busyness of life. Stay with me one more day and let’s notice the changing of the seasons together.”

On Shemini Atzeret we sit with presence of the Mystery and pray for the well being of all earth. We ask that the seasons and the creative forces of nature be aligned for good and that rain comes in its time for life, blessing and nourishing abundance.

Blessings to all as we make our way into 5784. Together, may we be part of the transformation that brings abundant healing, true justice and abiding peace.

Rabbi Yael

Listen to the recording of this week's Morning Meditation Sit. Listen to this week's Torah Study.

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