In These Times of Heartbreak

 Dear Friends,

In the midst of heartbreak, fear, uncertainty and devastating loss, what can be helpful?

Our tradition reminds us to gather, to help each other, to offer comfort and care, to listen as best as we can and be patient and kind with ourselves and each other.

We also have a tradition of reciting psalms as a way to calm the mind and direct our hearts and souls.

Here is a psalm created from verses of various psalms. I hope it is helpful in these tragic and frightening times.

Much love,
Rabbi Yael


This I know, the Source of All is with me.
Psalm 56:10

I take refuge in the Infinite Presence.
How can you say to me, Take to the mountains like a bird?

For the wicked bend their bow, they set their arrow on the string;
They shoot from the darkness,
Taking aim at those with a steadfast heart.

When the foundations are destroyed, what can a person do?
Psalm 11:1-3

I lift my eyes to the mountains
From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Infinite Presence,
Revealed in the heavens and the earth.
Psalm 121:1-2 

Help us Infinite Mystery
Help us Source of All
Psalm 118:25

I say of the Infinite Presence, you are my refuge, my stronghold,
In you I trust.
May the Infinite deliver us from ensnaring traps, from fear and destruction.
May the One cover us with care.
Let us seek refuge with the Infinite Presence,
Let us be shielded with protection and love

The Mystery says,
As you call out, I answer
I am with you in difficulty, in anguish and despair.
Psalm 91:2-4, 15 

For the sake of my brothers, my sisters,
My cousins, my friends,
I ask for peace.
Psalm 122:9

May our hearts be strong and filled with courage.
Psalm 27:14

May the Infinite Mystery bring strength to our people
May the Infinite Mystery bless us all of us with peace.
Psalm 29:11

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