Rosh Chodesh Nisan: A New Season Begins

Rosh Chodesh Nisan 5783

Dear Friends,

The month of Nisan, which starts today, begins to turn our hearts and souls toward Pesach and the Omer journeys.


Pesach takes us through yetizat mitzraim—the leaving of the narrow places where fear, oppression and the hardened heart rule. It brings us into an expanse where a renewed awareness opens possibilities and guides us in discerning what it means to be free.


The Counting of the Omer, which begins the second night of Pesach (Thursday, April 6), takes us on a journey of exploration and discovery. During the seven weeks of the Omer we are invited into a cosmic dance that reveals hidden patterns and mysteries, awakening our souls and guiding us in healing and discovery.


As many of you know, I love this season and revel in the insight and guidance it offers. I look forward to opportunities to share this journey together.


Much blessing,

Rabbi Yael

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