A View from Sinai

Dear Friends,

Reflections as we pause on the mountain:
Upon the mountain
The fire has settled,
The earth has stilled
The sky has calmed.

In the quiet we might hear
The sound of a breeze,
The call of a bird,
The bark of a dog,
A neighbor speaking to a friend.

In the quiet we might hear the Divine Mystery’s continuous call:
            I need you.
            I need your hands, your eyes, your heart, your will,
            I need your courage, your strength, your tender fragility.
            I need all of who you are.

Be a vessel for me,
Be a channel
I come into the world through you.

Let us honor the Torah that has been inscribed upon our hearts.
Let us lift up our covenant with the Divine,
And let us walk from the mountain together,
A force for healing,
A force for love,
A force for justice
A force for deep, abiding peace.

Chag samayach
With love,
Rabbi Yael

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