As Fear Arises

In this week’s Torah portion shelach lecha,
We witness the power of fear.

As fear arises
And takes hold in the community we watch
Vision narrow,
Hearts constrict,
And thoughts that insist on disaster
Being perceived as absolute truths.

Caught in the stranglehold of fear,
Our ancestors lashed out,
Closed down,
And become incapable and unwilling
To see any possibility that would challenge
The stories fear created.

As we know,
It can be difficult to break the stranglehold of dread
Because fear is contagious and strengthens itself.

And because, of course,
There are reasons to feel afraid.

And we need help so fear doesn’t become all there is.
We need help to break fear’s vise-like grip
And see beyond its certainty.

How do we meet fear with awareness
And develop the capacity to respond to fear
With patience and compassion?

The tradition teaches, engage in actions that encourage connection:
         Give thanks.
         Listen well.
         Offer help.
         Seek guidance.
         Engage with ritual.
         Speak words of blessing.
         Act with generosity and love.

These actions help shift our perspective,
Bring us into relationship
And loosen the bonds of fear.

They help us see that the story fear creates
Is not the absolute truth.

For the sake of each other and all life,
Let us engage in acts of connection
That deny fear the power to shape our perceptions
And rule our actions.

May love and healing grow from our words and deeds.

This Week's Teachings
Shelach Lecha: Fear and exploration. Listen to the recording of this week's Torah Study. For our meditation, we sit together practicing holding whatever arises with an expansive, loving perspective. Listen to the recording of today's Morning Meditation Sit.

Go to all of Rabbi Yael's teachings on the A Way In website.

Weekly FocusAway In