Holy Rage

Seek Peace
And Pursue it

Psalm 34:15

Dear Friends,

Here in the Hebrew month of Tammuz, the tradition calls us into a brit shalom, a covenant of peace. We are asked to a make a devoted commitment to shalom to ensure that hatred does not take root in our hearts. We are asked to do this even as we experience the anguish of our times and face all that must be challenged and changed in our country and the world.

How to do this?

Guidance comes:
Be like the disciples of Aaron, love peace, pursue peace, love creatures and creation, and draw close to ancient, eternal wisdom. (Pirkei Avot 1:12)

How to enter into a brit shalom?

Search for love, the tradition calls. Look under the rage that you feel as you witness arrogance, greed and shameful acts of power. Look beneath the anger you experience as you see all that is being trampled and destroyed and reach for what you value and love. Feel the love that manifests as rage. Touch the love that becomes anger.

A brit shalom doesn’t call us to deny rage. It says, experience rage, acknowledge its presence. Let rage fill you with energy and strength. And then, pivot from rage and act from and for love.

Pursue peace with love. Pursue healing and justice out of love for creation and all beings. Act from and for love.

Shalom/Wholeness/Peace does not mean perfection. It does not mean everyone will agree and see things the same way. Shalom/Wholeness/Peace demands we acknowledge our differences, acknowledge the pain and contention, the brokenness of life. And do our best to seek common ground and pour love into the brokenness again and again.

This is a mighty task and sometimes we will be able to do it and sometimes not. Let us be gentle with ourselves and each other. Let us remember that each time we open the channels of love, healing flows into the world. Our words and actions make a difference.

As we go about our days, let’s hold each other in a brit shalom, a covenant of healing, compassion and peace.

With love,
Rabbi Yael

This Week's Teachings
Listen to an archive Morning Meditation Sit for the month of Tammuz.
Please note that Rabbi Yael is on a mini-sabbatical, working on her forthcoming book on psalms. We will return to live meditations on Thursday, September 5 and to Torah study on September 2. Read Rabbi Yael’s letter about her mini-sabbatical.

Go to all of Rabbi Yael's teachings and archives of Torah Study and Morning Meditation Sits on the A Way In website.

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