Calls of the Season
The Infinite Life Force looks from the heavens,
Searching humankind,
To find someone who has the good sense
To seek the Divine Source
Psalm 14:2
Dear Friends,
Tuesday July 23rd, the 17th of the Hebrew month Tammuz, initiates a three week period that leads to Tisha b’Av, (the 9th of the month of Av) which is the day that marks the destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem in 586 BCE and 70 CE.
Tradition teaches that the Temple was destroyed because hatred became the operating principle in the community. The scorn, contempt and disdain that characterized daily interactions caused the Divine Presence to flee and leave the sacred vulnerable to attack.
These next three weeks call us into mighty practices.
They ask us to reflect on the hatred that we allow to take root in our hearts. The wisdom of the tradition acknowledges that hatred can sometimes feel energizing and “so right,” but allowing it to fill our bodies and guide our actions leads to destruction.
These weeks also urge us to be present to the sadness that we feel as we open our eyes to the devastation and pain that fills our world. Allow the sadness, this season teaches, and let it tenderize the heart for love and compassion.
And, as always, we are reminded to engage in what brings joy, to seep ourselves in beauty, to look for and offer comfort, presence and love.
At times it truly feels like our world is spinning out of control.
And I have faith in our capacity to be strong, courageous and true.
When we are restored,
When freedom is renewed
When we return in wisdom and truth
All who struggle will exalt. All who wrestle will rejoice.
Psalm 14:7
With much love and blessing to all.
Rabbi Yael