Who Knows?

Who knows?
Perhaps it is for this very moment that you became Queen.

                                                                                                    Esther 4:14

These are the words Mordechai used to encourage Esther to approach the King and risk her life to save the Jewish people.
Who knows?

In spite of her fears,
In spite of the dangers,
“Who knows” inspired Esther to act.

Who knows is not necessarily the message we look for
To motivate our actions,
Especially when we feel at risk.
Most often we want more certainty,
Assurance that we are making a wise choice,
That our actions will make a difference,
And we will come through OK.

In the Purim story—Who knows
         Gets turned inside out and
         Becomes a motivating force that declares:

         You are here in this unfolding mystery
         Amid forces of change and transformation
         That are constantly in motion.

         Don’t let uncertainty scare you into hiding.
         Don’t let uncertainty become an excuse not to act.

         Let not knowing inspire imagination and creativity.
         Let not knowing encourage audacious engagement.

We do not know what will unfold.
We do not know what our individual and collective
Actions will bring.

What we do know
Is that right now we are here in a world
That is crying out for help.

In honor of Purim,
         Let us step into the tremors of these times.
         Let us make our offerings,
         Let us share our gifts.
Let us be daring, bold, determined and loving.

Who knows? Perhaps it is for this very moment we are here.

Much blessing
Rabbi Yael

(With great thanks to Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld for the teaching on
Who Knows)

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