A Sacred Pause
As the Israelites continue to build the Mishkan,
The sacred dwelling for the Divine,
The Infinite Presence calls,
Pause. Rest. Stop.
No matter what you are doing,
No matter how sacred or urgent the task,
Take time to
Pause. Rest. Stop.
This is a matter of life and death
For you and all beings.
Pause to be grateful,
Pause to be amazed.
Rest so calm can enter the body.
Rest so discernment can rise
And decisions can be made with thoughtful care.
Stop to realign align with the sacred
And recommit to compassion, love and generosity.
Pause. Rest. Stop.
Because you are needed.
Your gifts are essential
As together we create a place for the Divine to dwell
Within and among us
In this beautiful and broken world.
For the Spring Equinox
Today, as the earth’s journey delivers us to spring
Let us give thanks to the tiny green shoots,
The purple crocuses
And the bright yellow daffodils that push through the hard ground.
Let us be encouraged by their strength
And blessed by their beauty.
May these marvels of creation
Help us believe in possibilities we have not yet imagined.