Morning Meditation Sit — See the Infinite

Dear Friends,

Last week the Torah called: Go.

Leave. Explore. Become.

This week the Torah calls: Sit.

Be still. Notice.

Avraham sat at the opening of the tent in the heat of the day.

He lifted his eyes

And saw that God, the Infinite Presence,

Is within all life.

The Infinite Presence

Is within love, turmoil, devastation and pain.

The Infinite Presence is in promise, hope

And possibilities not yet imagined.

This awareness filled Avraham

And he rose to meet all that life would bring.

What helps me meet all that arises?

How do I return to clarity and presence

Even as I get swept away

By waves of emotion,

By tumult and challenges that arrive each day?

Avraham saw.

He saw the Infinite Presence in all that he encountered.

And he saw the Infinite Presence in possibilities not yet revealed.

This week I set an intention to lift my eyes

And see the Infinite Presence.

I will practice seeing where it is easy.

I will see the Presence in the bright red leaves of Japanese maples.

I will see the Presence as I eat the fruit of the trees

And the vegetables of the earth.

And as fear and confusion arise,

I will practice seeing the Infinite Presence

As I pause to take a steady, deep breath.

Avraham sat at the opening of the tent in the heat of the day

And God appeared.

May we sit at the opening and see the Infinite Presence in all that swirls around and through us.

May we see the Infinite Presence in possibilities that lay beyond our imagination.

And may this awareness help us rise and meet well each new day.

Listen to the guided Meditation Sit dedicated to this teaching in the player below.

Shalom and much blessing,

— Rabbi Yael Levy

16 Cheshvan 5780

The live Jewish Mindfulness Meditation Sit with Rabbi Yael Levy takes place Thursday mornings 8-8:30 AM EST. Go to instructions for joining via call-in.

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