Don't Follow the Fear

Stepping into this week's Torah portion, Ki Tisa:

We are called to contribute our resources to help create the Mishkan,

The sacred dwelling we lift up and carry with us.

We are called to contribute ourselves as partners with the Divine

In the continued unfolding of creation.

We are called to be present in the mystery of the unknown.

And we are called to notice

When faced with the mystery,

When staring into unknown

When seeking to live, to create, to be,

Fear arises.

In the face of fear,

We might grasp for control,

We might demand certainly,

We might cower and hide.

And we might believe the distorted truths that fear insists upon.

Honor the fear, the Torah portion says,

But don’t follow it.

Don’t create from fear.

Don’t allow fear to be the foundation.

Don’t let fear be the guide.

Pause. Stop.

And reach for,

Open to,


Compassion, kindness, patience and love.

We don’t have to create the compassion,

We don’t have to be the patience,

We don’t have to generate the love.

I am standing right besides you, the Infinite Mystery calls,

And I am beneficence, graciousness, compassion,

And I am right here. (Exodus 33:19, 21, 34:5)

Call on my name:

Compassion, Graciousness, Patience, Abundant Love and Truth,

Expansive Generosity, Abiding Forgiveness. (Exodus 34:6-7)

I am right here.

Olam hesed yibaneh, we must create this world with generous kindness.

We must build this world with love. (Psalm 89:3)

So call on my name,

Let my essence hold you

Until the fear subsides, for now.

And together, let us create this world,

A sacred dwelling

In which all life flourishes

In kindness, compassion and love.

Rabbi Yael

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