Because ...

Dear Friends,

As the season continues to turn us toward Elul and our preparation for the New Year, the Torah calls:

Because. (Deut. 7:12)

Because everything comes on the heel of everything else,

Because every action has consequences,

Because all is connected,

Because we are not the source

Because we are not all powerful,

Because we are not the center,

Because we are here together with all life,

Participants in the Infinite Unfolding,

This is what is asked of us:

            To live with awe,

            To walk in paths of truths,

            To love,

            And to be of service with full hearts and souls,

            For the well being of all life. (Deut. 10:12)

May the calls of the season guide us with gentle care.

Blessings and love to all.

Rabbi Yael

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