Turning Toward Elul

Dear Friends,

We stand on the threshold of the month of Elul,

which begins this Shabbat and as we enter the Torah calls: See

See: Everyday you face choices:

            How will you live?

            Who will you be?

            What paths will you follow?

Everyday you make choices:

            How will you respond to the beauty and pain of life?

The mind can be harsh and unyielding,

Berating us for not knowing,

Scolding us for missteps,

Rebuking us for lapses in judgment and care.

Elul arrives with love,

With understanding

That we are tender and vulnerable beings

Doing the best we can in each moment

And sometimes falling short.

Return, Elul calls,

Return to the luminous being that you are.

Return to the awareness that you are here

In relationship with all life.

You are loved.

You are necessary.

You are worthy.

The soul protests,

The heart cries,

The mind sputters and objects.

And the Infinite Presence


And calls:

Take just a small step,

Make just a slight turn,

See, I am here waiting for you

And with love, I will show you the way.

May the month of Elul come upon us and all beings for life,

goodness, joy, blessing and peace.


Rabbi Yael

This Week's Audio Teachings

Morning Meditation Sit
We sit together at the threshold of the month of Elul. Listen to the recording of today's Meditation Sit on the A Way In website or on Soundcloud.

Torah Study
Re’eh: See. Join Rabbi Yael and the A Way In community as we lift our eyes to the month of Elul and the beginning of our soul’s journey into the New Year. Listen on Soundcloud or on the A Way In website.

Weekly FocusAway In