Judgments Arising

We humans are so quick to judge

Ourselves and each other.


There are, of course,

Times when our judgments are sound,



And, as we know,

Our judgments can be harsh,


Shaming and cruel.


We so often berate ourselves for our perceived shortcomings.

We belittle our efforts.

We criticize our questions, vulnerabilities and fears.


And we do this to those we love as well,

Allowing harsh judgments to invade

The spaces between us.


And our harsh judgments run wild

As we look

Toward people with whom we deeply disagree.


All these harsh critical, berating judgments

Add to the pain within and around us

And yet, they persist.


As Elul shines its light

It calls us to notice judgments as they arise.

The small and the massive,

And each time we do,

To take three deep breaths around the judgments.


Rather than attacking the judgments head on

Or trying to figure out what to do with them,


Three deep breaths into the expanse of Elul

Creating some softness and space around the judgments.


Three deep breaths

To make way for discernment and compassion

To find and lift us.


A mighty task,

A deep practice we engage in

For the sake of each other and all life.


Three deep breaths.


May Elul turn us with care

To paths of love, connection and peace.



Rabbi Yael

Psalm 27 is a great guide as we journey through Elul. Saying the whole psalm, or a verse that speaks to you each day, helps us engage in the spiritual work of this time.
Go to downloadable versions in Hebrew and English

This Week's Audio Teachings

Morning Meditation Sit
We practice noticing what arises with non-judgmental awareness. Listen to the recording of today's Meditation Sit on the A Way In website or on Soundcloud.

Torah Study
Parshat Shofteim:  Entering the Gates of Elul. Listen on Soundcloud or on the A Way In website.

Weekly FocusAway In