Shemini Atzeret - For Endurance, For Vision, For Strength
Dear Friends,
As we come to the close of these holy days with all that is on our hearts and minds, a psalm, as the title states --
For Endurance, for Vision, for Strength
May the Source of All be gracious with us,
And may we be blessed.
May the Infinite Presence shine through us
So the path of sacred goodness is known by all through out the land.
Let it be, that we will all offer praise,
We will offer such thanks and praise.
We will sing with joy, filled with delight.
Justice will fill the land.
Steadfast clarity will guide us all.
And we will all offer praise,
We will offer such thanks and praise.
The earth will nourish us with abundance
And goodness will flow.
May blessings unfold as we bow in awe
To the life force that unites us all.
Psalm 67
Let us continue to walk into 5785 with hope and determination and together be a force for transformative justice, healing and peace.
Much love to all.
Rabbi Yael
P.S. Democracy can use our help—so if you can: vote early, make phone calls, send texts, knock on doors. Let’s make sure dignity, compassion, reason, sanity and freedom triumph.