What would it mean to open ourselves to being seen?
Being seen for who we are in our glory,
In our beauty, in our brokenness,
In our pain?
Read MoreWhat would it mean to open ourselves to being seen?
Being seen for who we are in our glory,
In our beauty, in our brokenness,
In our pain?
Read MoreGo forth, the Mystery calls,
Go by searching deep within yourself and stepping beyond what has been.
The festival of Simchat Torah (the “Joy of Torah”), which falls on this Thursday evening and Friday, urges us to celebrate the wisdom we have gathered, to notice all we have learned this past year and to raise it up with song and dance.
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On the fifteen of the month of Tishrei, gather an etrog, with branches of the myrtle, palm and willow trees and rejoice with the Source of All for seven days. — Leviticus 23:40
We call on the heavens and the earth.
We call on each other, sacred companions on the journey,
And we ask for help and we ask for guidance.
Read MoreDuring these days in between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, we continue to do teshuvah, turning toward alignment, connection, relationship and presence.
Read MoreAs we stand on the edge of this New Year, readying ourselves to cross over to what will be, may strength and inspiration rise up within and around us.
Read MoreWe stand here today, in this very moment,
With all those we love,
With all those with whom we joyfully share this passage through life.
Read MoreAs we come to the fourth week of Elul and the last week of 5777, let us pause in gratitude for this year of life.
Read MoreDuring this third week of Elul may the calls of teshuvah find us, and with honesty and grace may we examine our hearts and souls.
Read MoreFor a seventh year, Jewish Mindfulness practice will enhance Mishkan Shalom congregation’s High Holy Day services
Read MoreHow do we live with eyes wide open?
How do we see the horror, tragedies and the realities that go against our deepest values and not get blinded by anger, hatred, fear or despair?
Read MoreAs we turn toward the second week of Elul, let us lift our eyes and behold the life force within all beings, within all creation.
Read MoreMay we make amends for the ways in which we failed to act with love and compassion.
Read MoreThis New Year, 5778. calls out to us: Eyes on Life.
Read MoreThe Hebrew month of Elul, which begins on the evening of Tuesday, August 22, initiates our spiritual preparation for the New Year.
Read MoreWhat do we do with the anger, the outrage, the fear?
We keep love upon our hearts.