In the turmoil of our times, let’s remember the Chanukah miracle.
Read MoreChanukah encourages us to lift up the light, even when so much lies in ruin
Read MoreIn this season of long nights,
I too wrestle.
I wrestle with choices made, decisions lived into,
And all that has been left undone.
Read MoreBreak through,
The Mystery said,
Break through old forms,
Old patterns.
Kislev calls us to welcome the darkness,
To welcome the darkness,
As a friend, a teacher, a guide.
May the sacred light of the ancient mothers hold and guide us all.
Read MoreWhat can help us meet all that arises?
How do we return to clarity and presence
In the chaos and tumult that arrives each day?
Each time Elohim creates something, Elohim calls out, ki tov—it is good.
Read MoreWe ask that the seasons and the forces of nature be aligned for good and that rain comes in its time for life, blessing and nourishing abundance.
Read MoreFrom the expanse of Yom Kippur we travel for four days and arrive in Sukkot, a celebration of earth and her generous bounty.
Read MorePsalm 27 brought us to the shores of the New Year and we add Psalm 130 to our prayers during these days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. May these ancient songs inspire and sooth our hearts and souls.
Read MoreEnter and take your place in the mysterious unfolding of creation.
The world needs you.
Enter and take your place in the mysterious unfolding of creation.
The world needs you.
What hurts have I caused?
What pain has resulted from my words,
my actions, my silences?
With whom do I need to make amends?
Where can I seek repair?
As Elul shines its light
It calls us to notice judgments as they arise.
How will you live?
Who will you be?
What paths will you follow?
As we come through Tisha ‘b Av we begin a gentle turn toward Elul and the coming New Year.
Read MoreAs we come through Tisha ‘b Av we begin a gentle turn toward Elul and the coming New Year.
Read MoreOpen us to the paths of life;
To generosity, kindness,
Justice, compassion,
And peace.